Multi-measurement support and IMU calibration template

Screenshot of TofuPilot showing measurement features, including detailed tracking of key metrics, analytics, and performance insights.

Julien Buteau

3 min read

As 2024 comes to an end, we’re excited to announce support for measurements in TofuPilot. This highly requested feature offers better support and analytics for OpenHTF users, along with a simpler way to write test scripts if you’re using your own syntax. Let’s dive in!

Measurements & Multi-Measurement

Hardware tests usually follow a common structure: data is collected from the Device Under Test (DUT) or an instrument, and any acquisition errors are logged. If the acquisition is successful, specific measurements are performed on this data and validated with an individual status before moving to the next phase.

Screenshot of TofuPilot showing measurement features, including detailed tracking of key metrics, analytics, and performance insights.
Support for multi-measurement, as shown on the Run page.

For example, we acquire a voltage timeseries from a multimeter, compute the average voltage, and verify it falls within the specified range of 3.1–3.5V ✅

Frameworks like OpenHTF help maintain this structure by separating:

  • Phases: Test steps that perform actions and return a pass, fail, or skip status.
  • Measurements: Capture specific values during phases with optional validators.

TofuPilot now fully supports this data model, making your tests scripts shorter and enabling more granular and powerful analytics.

Measurements are a major change but support incremental adoption on your side.

  • OpenHTF users: No action needed; tests with multi-measurements now sync seamlessly, no more multi-measurement warning 🙌
  • Python client users: You can use the new phases argument in the create_run function. Steps will be deprecated but will remain accessible for now. During processing, they will automatically split into a phase and a measurement. Existing steps have been migrated.

Template: IMU Thermal Calibration

We’ve heard your requests for code samples, and are excited to share our first open-source template. It shows how to calibrate an IMU for temperature on the production line. With two sensors, three axes each, and 36 measurements across two phases, it highlights the powerful multi-measurement capabilities of OpenHTF and TofuPilot.

It’s a bit nerdy, but we’re sure you’ll love it. More templates are coming—share your ideas with us!

A specialized thermal calibration chamber used for IMU calibration, maintaining stable temperature conditions for accuracy.
Thermal calibration chamber used for IMUs.

From 0 to 1: Reflecting on TofuPilot’s 2024 Journey

2024 has been an incredible year for our team! TofuPilot is now live in 10 factories, processing thousands of runs per month, with many teams testing it in the lab and preparing to deploy next year. We won 3 innovation awards, incorporated the company, shipped 30+ releases, and moved into our new offices at the Unlimitrust Campus in Switzerland.

A sleek, modern entrance to the Unlimitrust Campus in Prilly, Switzerland.
Looks like a billion-dollar HQ, but surprisingly, startups can afford it.

This year has been incredibly challenging and exciting, thanks to your incredible support. We couldn’t have done it without you—thank you!

As we take a short holiday break, our support team remains available for any questions or feedback. See you in 2025 for a new year of exciting updates and successes with TofuPilot!

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